Flip Top

Customized Trash & Recycling Services

Rear End Load

Rear End Load (REL) service is utilized often with MSS film and TV productions and festivals, and also the IWS commercial and industrial accounts. With this service, a large bin is installed onsite. Our trucks are able to come in, flip the bin, and leave our clients with a clean bin, quickly. REL bins are the best option for low volume, small quarters, and after-hours services. For a more permanent, longer term use, IWS has larger six-yard steel cans available. REL bins can be used for trash or recycling.

Mobile Recycling Trailer

MSS assembled Mobile Recycling Trailers. They allow productions to be operationally efficient and ecologically sound by dehydrating food and baling cardboard and plastic onsite. This consolidates the volume of the recyclables, so it requires fewer trucks to haul it away. The trailer includes a food dehydrator, sorting barrels for recyclables and a baler that can create 50 to 60 pound cardboard bales and 20 to 30 pound plastic bales. They enable productions to reduce their hauling costs and their carbon footprint.

Flip Top Option

The Flip Top option is a plastic bin on wheels. While it is emptied as easily as Rear End Load, Flip Tops are much easier to move around a production lot, and tend to come in smaller sizes than REL options. These bins can be used for trash or recycling.


MSS through our parent company IWS has all sizes of roll off containers to be used for trash or recycling. Click here for more information about roll-off.

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